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354 Office workers used Backapp products for 6 weeks!

They were instructed in how to use the Backapp chair and the Backapp 360 balance board. They changed out their traditional office chair with the Backapp chair and Backapp 360 balance board and answered a questionnaire at the start of the field trial and after 6 weeks. Data collection, statistics and reporting were done by an independent third party – Force Technology AS

146 participants had lower back pains
43 said they were healed!

241 office workers had pains in the neck and shoulder
106 said they were healed!

125 employees complained of headaches
57 said they were healed!

73 participants experienced pain in the arms and hands
34 said they were healed!

101 were tired at the end of a normal working day
40 said they were not tired anymore! 

Find the complete report here

Buy Backapp and try it for up to 30 day! 


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