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Sit more upright with less effort

Two studies were conducted where people sat upright without a backrest and attempted to keep a natural posture, while performing keyboard tasks. The conclusion was that the outer stabilizing muscles are less active when sitting on the Backapp than a traditional office chair. Lumbar flexion was significantly reduced and so was the activity of one of the main lumbar muscles. The conclusion was that sitting upright on the Backapp is easier than sitting upright on a traditional office chair. You are able to sit upright for longer periods of time without a back rest while using the Backapp.


Manual Therapy (Volume 17, Issue 6) Pages 566-571

"Can we reduce the effort of maintaining a neutral sitting posture? A pilot study". Kieran O'Sullivan, Raymond McCarthy, Alison White, Leonard O'Sullivan & Wim Dankaerts 2012.

Ergonomics (Volume 55, Issue 12) pages 1586-1595

"Lumbar posture and trunk muscle activation during a typing task when sitting on a novel dynamic ergonomic chair". Kieran O'Sullivan, Raymond McCarthy, Alison White, Leonard O'Sullivan & Wim Dankaerts 2012.



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